Ready to stop feeling overwhelmed and frustrated developing & fleshing out your story ideas? 

I will help you master your craft and write fiction readers will adore and move up the bestseller lists, fast.

Learn the proven methods I developed while writing my critically acclaimed novels in an award-winning process to guide you to earning a great income as a successful author.

Does this sound like you...

  • Frustrated with not knowing where to start with your story and unable to finish your novel?
  • Too many ideas and no clue how to narrow them down? Have you written pages and pages of notes or multiple drafts but still aren't clear on your plot or characters?  
  • Not sure what to include in the story to keep it moving without the dreaded infodump?
  • Have you tried one of those thousand-question worldbuilding checklists BUT after weeks or months of answering questions, you’re no closer to having a finished novel?
  • Or you’ve watched videos and presentations from big-name authors packed with great information, but you’ve found it difficult to put into practice in your own writing?

Stop spinning your wheels and start gaining confidence in your ability to create an engaging imaginary world & story.

Take control of your story, and complete the novel you’ve been dreaming of in this lifetime.

As much as I would like to tell you otherwise, there isn’t a magic spell to getting published and selling books.

But there are a series of repeatable steps and systems you can put in place to get closer to your writing dreams.

Worldbuilding is vital to your story, characters, and plot. They all go hand in hand into create a novel readers will tell their friends about.

If you want to become a better storyteller, let me teach you the method I use to go from story idea to fully fleshed out story and world—without completing endless checklists, getting lost in the weeds, or succumbing to worldbuilder’s disease and inventing a detailed world with no actual story to show for it.


Imaginary Worldbuilding: Creating Fictional Worlds for Writers

By the end of the course, you’ll have planned out your imaginary world and be on your way to a completed novel!

What's Inside?

Video lessons where I share my step-by-step process

I've taught just one of these modules as a half-day workshop for $300.

In-depth workbooks delivered as easy to use, fillable PDFs

A $162 value!

A story bible template for Scrivener to organize your world

No need to create your own template from scratch if you use Scrivener writing software.

PDF guides on a variety of worldbuilding topics

A $135 value!

Course Curriculum

Who am I?

Hi, I’m Leslye Penelope, a life-long writer who fell in love with the written word practically in the cradle and always dreamed of seeing a book with my name on it gracing the bookshelf.

Growing up, I took countless writing classes, submitted to journals and contests, but never really believed I could finish a novel. I traveled to conferences and workshops, read shelves full of books on writing craft, and joined critique groups, but still struggled for years to complete a single novel.

 Today, I’m an award-winning, critically acclaimed fantasy author who’s published both independently and with Big 5 publishers. Over the past ten years, I’ve written ten novels, along with a handful of novellas and short stories and received starred reviews from Publishers Weekly, Booklist, and Library Journal. All of my traditionally published work has been optioned for TV and film.

My debut novel Song of Blood & Stone was chosen as one of the top 10 fantasy novels of 2018 by TIME magazine who called it “a masterclass in fantasy worldbuilding.” That book went on to be selected as one of the best 100 fantasy novels of all time by the same publication.

Leslye has been featured in:

Praise for Leslye's Writing

“another character-centric story filled with wonderful worldbuilding and unexpected twists” 

— BN SFF Blog

“a richly realized world, made the more vivid through Penelope’s beautiful descriptions and engrossing characters.” 

— Booklist

“A master class in fantasy world-building.”

— TIME Magazine 
100 Best Fantasy Novels of All Time

What Students are Saying

"No more wasting countless hours making up non story-relevant details just for them to collect dust in a Word document."

— Erin O.

Leslye is thoughtful, encouraging, and incredibly resourceful. I came away from each conversation with new strategies and creative approaches to my writing. Worth every penny!

— Qiana W.

 I am enjoying the worldbuilding workshop by Leslye Penelope. So many ideas and strategies to get unstuck... Lots of great content.

— Tam W. 

Ready to Start?
Choose your preferred plan

One time

$249 USD

  • Self-paced course curriculum
  • Lifetime access to all course content, plus all updates

Payment Plan

3 payments of $87 USD /month

  • Self-paced course curriculum
  • Lifetime access to all course content, plus all updates

Choose your plan


  • Self-paced course curriculum with lifetime access




x 3 months


  • Self-paced course curriculum with lifetime access
  • Two 1:1 sessions w/ Leslye Penelope




x 4 months

All students receive:

Access to the private community of course participants

Lifetime access to all course content, plus all updates and future resources

A 14-day no questions asked money back guarantee!

Mage level students will also get:

Two 1-on-1 coaching sessions with Leslye Penelope  (1 hr each)

Personal feedback on your worldbuilding progress & Q&A on the course material

Recordings of meetings for future reference

Frequently Asked Questions

Worldbuilding is vital for all genres, whether your story is set in the contemporary real world or in a galaxy far, far away. A Montana cowboy ranch will need to be constructed differently than a Manhattan ad agency. And a Regency romance has just as many rules as a complex magic system or space opera.

Writers of all fiction genres will find the method and techniques useful.

The core curriculum is a self-paced course you can take on your own schedule.

However, if you would like additional support, feedback, and accountability, you can add-on the Mage-level cohort at checkout. Learn more about the 1-on-1 coaching here.

Students at all levels have lifetime access to course contents, including any updates and additions made over time.

If this is your very first foray into creative writing at all, the course may be too advanced. However, it’s designed for all levels, from beginner to professional, both pre-published and published. So if you’re working on your first book or your fiftieth, then please join us!

Just email me at for a no questions asked refund within 14 days of purchase.

Refunds aren't available after live sessions have taken place.

You will need a computer or other internet-connected device with audio to log into the classroom and watch the video lessons. You'll also need to download the PDF workbooks, which can be filled out directly on your device. Access to a free Google account is necessary to access some of the worksheets.

This isn't a critique course. At the Mage level, you will have the opportunity for instructor feedback on your progress on the worksheets and guides provided, but not your actual manuscript pages.

However, students at all levels are encouraged to network with other class participants in the forums and potentially find critique partners for your work.

Ready to build your world?